Saturday, October 14, 2023

CIT 111 Assignment 1b: My Experience in Covenant University so Far

 Covenant University is every undergraduate's dream university in Africa. Right from the moment I gained admission till right this very moment. I have not ceased to be amazed by the amazing complexity of the school. Many of the university's infrastructure are just jaw-dropping. I am yet to find a blemish on the school's clean and beautiful scenery. I say it again and I say it with conviction, Covenant University is beautiful.

     I resumed late so I missed out on the Orientation Program that was held. Classes have been interesting, I have learned so much in one week, and the lecturers are very friendly. Though the walking is a bit of a drag, I feel over time I will get used to it.

     The food is to die for. Every day is another day to buy something new and explore the different tasty treats I can find on campus. I haven't bought a lot of stuff though because I am on a strict budget and try to spend as little as possible, but sometimes 'man must wack'. So, I ignored my conscience and bought one expensive treat that would cost me my lunch money for two days. While eating it I felt all the joy in the world but once I was done, I realized I would have to skip eating for the next 2 mornings or so. Still, the food here is awesome.

     Today I went to the stadium and did a lot of exercise. I played basketball and football, stretched, flipped some heavy tires, jogged, and sprinted. I didn't do enough stretches before I sprinted, so I got a slight injury and it was a bit hard for me to walk, I'm fine now though. Next week Saturday I plan to do the same until I have a physically fit body that I can be proud of.

     The church services are so powerful. I enjoy myself in every single one. The choir is talented, I say so because anytime they sing it's like my body starts moving and dancing on its own. The Word is even better. Every time Pastor Ola preaches, I feel like I am learning more and more things to get closer to God and become a better Christian. By the end of this semester, I hope that I will be more active spiritually than when I resumed in October.

     If at all there is anything I don't like about Covenant University, it would be the hostels. My locker is seriously broken so I can barely use it, most of my clothes are still in my traveling bag. And don't get me started on the bathrooms. Most of the doors are broken and there's only one mirror that's still good; the showers and taps are working well though. But that toilet, God forbid! If I ever use that toilet before I graduate, I know my name is not Stephen. Sometimes the toilet could be filled to the brim with poop. Yes! POOP! One day it was so bad that some students made a work of art infamously known as 'The Poop Sandwich'. Apparently, someone used the toilet, and instead of flushing he left it like that. Another smart student came up with the idea of covering up the poop with tissue paper and adding some more poop to the mix. Soon there were 5 heavy layers of poop in one toilet. One toilet!!! It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life, and I am still traumatized by it to date.

      Covenant University is an awesome school to be in no matter how you look at it. So far, I've enjoyed the one week I spent here, and I hope I will keep on having fun learning, discovering new places, trying new foods, and making friends.


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